Thursday, December 3, 2015

Currently December

I love this activity! I participated with some friends when we blogged together and it was always great to run across new and interesting blogs. I'm linking up with Farley for the Currently December activity.

My classroom is always so hot! It's crazy how cool it can be downstairs, but upstairs in my world it's like a sauna. So I'm listening to the classroom fan making it's humming noise. There have been many days I was really glad to have them. 

I'm loving that almost all of my holiday shopping is done. This year everyone pretty much received a homemade gift. I made some rag quilts and monogrammed some hand towels and blankets. I love making gifts personalized. I find that it's a great way to be thoughtful. 

I'm so ready for my Christmas break. I feel sad saying that especially since we just got back from Thanksgiving. It just seems like it's well past time for a break. A real break that includes sleeping in, pjs during the day, and reading. 

I'm wanting to sit at home in my pajamas and read. I feel like life has been so busy, that I haven't had time to read. I would love to just veg out and get lost in a book. 

I need my husband to come home from Chicago. I'm ready to see him and spend some quality time with him. Thankfully it's almost time for him to make the trip home. 

This year like most years I'm sporting a faux tree. Our tree is frosted and has the pine cones and cranberries on it. I love it!! I don't think I've ever had a real tree to be honest. Maybe that is something I need to put on my bucket list for the future. 


  1. I love personalizing gifts! It's so special, and they remember them a lot better too. I teach in Tanzania, East Africa, so we are just glad when the power is on so we can turn on the fan! Right now, it is just heating UP- it definitely does not feel like my usual midwest Christmas! Real trees are AMAZING! Their smell makes the whole house smell like Christmas! Love it!

    The Gypsy Teacher

    1. Wow you teach in East Africa? That's amazing! I bet real trees make the home smell and feel different. I am sure it's like for some getting to experience real snow. I live in the south, so we don't see "real" snow.

  2. So proud of you Rachel! This is going to be FANTASTIC!!!

    1. Thank you! I'm excited to get going again. :)

  3. My classroom seems to be the opposite from yours. I can walk into a classroom just down the hall and I swear their room is 15 degress warmer than mine! Your wanting is something I have on my list, too! I can't wait to sit at home and not have to worry about getting dressed in the morning. Just reading a good book (that needs much catching up on). What kind of books do you like to read?

    1. I used to have a "cold" classroom. Mostly it's not too bad in the new one, but lately.... I always try to read 50 books in a year (I've never managed to make it). I really just want time to get lost in the book. Fall in love with some new characters, root for the underdog, etc... I try to foster a love of reading in my classroom. I read quite a bit of young adult fiction so that I have some books to recommend for my students. Plus I like to read what they are reading because we get to spend time discussing it. They really like that. One of my students this year was like tell me what you are reading next so I can. As for adult books I enjoy a good sappy Nicholas Sparks book, murder mysteries, and general fiction novels.
