Friday, February 23, 2018


Up until this school year, I've been a twitter dropout. I signed up for an account several years ago. I tried using it. Part of my problem was I liked to write more than 140 characters. I was encouraged by my administration and my humanities coach to really give it a go this year. I dabbled with it a little bit at the beginning of the school year and now it's one of my favorite social media platforms. 

As an educator, there have been so many benefits to using Twitter. First and foremost, I've been able to learn from other educators outside of my circle. I've been able to see the exciting things they are doing in their classrooms. I've learned about OneNote, Workshop model, and just met some inspiring people. 

Another thing,  I've really enjoyed is following authors. The first time an author liked my tweet, I felt like a million bucks. I like being able to give some quick feedback to them, even if they don't have time to answer. Twitter has brought me out of my comfort zone and encouraged me to have the opportunity to reach out to others.

Honestly, I'm so glad that I started to use Twitter this year. I've been able to connect with people that I would have never had the chance to connect with before. I feel like this social media platform has made my search for educational resources much more effective. I can zone in on things I want to learn specifically and network with others about those topics.

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