Monday, April 23, 2018

Flipgrid - I've got the fever!

I must say that I've been diagnosed with Flipgrid Fever! My instructional coach has been working to try and get me to use Flipgrid this school year. I got excited and set up my grid. Then I tried it with one class and just never pursued it from there. The class I tried it with was kind of chaotic towards the Christmas break. So like many things, I put it on the shelf and didn't touch it again.

My kids are now participating in book clubs (literature circles). I decided this was a great way to have them participate in a discussion question, especially since their STAAR writing test was over. My students LOVE this program! It is so easy and they can answer the prompt in 15 seconds. These videos gave me an insight to student's thinking. It was great for my quiet students who I struggle to get to speak to me. They can share their thinking in a space without feeling the pressure of the teacher "hovering" over them.

Here's how easy it is. First step is to go to and sign up. You'll have the opportunity to create one grid for free. The membership is reasonably priced if you are interested in obtaining the full version. So far the free version has been exactly what I need at this time.

My student's have enjoyed doing this activity. I've been getting more out of them, especially my quieter students. It's so exciting to give these students a voice. I'm looking forward to making flipgrid a staple in my classroom. Here's a sample of one of my topics. Please excuse the smiley faces, I wanted to protect my students. I hope that you'll be able to catch the fever too! 


  1. LOVE This!!! You are so good at trying new things with your students...impressive work. I can tell the students are into it, they love technology too!

    Sharon Lopez :)

    1. Thank you so much for your encouragement! It makes the job more meaningful when we find ways to engage our students.
